"The Good Book Fairy"
©2005 Elizabeth Kay
oil on linen
The Good Book Fairy

Wished Upon by Writers, Librarians, Book Sellers,
Publishers and Bibliophiles

Cloaked in perfect binding the Very Good Book Fairy is hand sewn to behold. A runaway best seller at a young age, today she is a titled member of royalties. Her library shelves are stacked with a variety of book designs: scrolled, hinged, folded, glued, sewn, stapled, even incised clay tablets. Her hands can comfortably hold, in the words of her old friend Nathaniel Hawthorne, "as wide a field as the whole sphere of human thought and study."

The Very Good Book Fairy continues to advance the art of the book, assisted by a band of audio elves and a flurry of pixels at her fingertips. Yet, for all her sophistication she is happiest at home, curled in a chair by the fire with a good book, or reading in bed, her dainty running foot tucked snugly between the covers.

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