The Good Book Fairy
Wished Upon by Writers, Librarians, Book Sellers,
Publishers and Bibliophiles
Cloaked in perfect binding the Very Good Book Fairy is hand sewn to behold. A runaway best seller at a young age, today she is a titled member of royalties. Her library shelves are stacked with a variety of book designs: scrolled, hinged, folded, glued, sewn, stapled, even incised clay tablets. Her hands can comfortably hold, in the words of her old friend Nathaniel Hawthorne, "as wide a field as the whole sphere of human thought and study."
The Very Good Book Fairy continues to advance the art of the book, assisted by a band of audio elves and a flurry of pixels at her fingertips. Yet, for all her sophistication she is happiest at home, curled in a chair by the fire with a good book, or reading in bed, her dainty running foot tucked snugly between the covers.