Señorita Cigarílla
This match striking femme fatale first appeared in the 1920s as a voting smoking symbol of feminine freedom. In the 1960s, wearing mod hip huggers and a groovy halter top, slim-as-a-needle Señorita Cigarílla was a cadaverous super model chain smoking cigarettes made "just for her." Her message was dead simple: Thin is In and Smoking is Sexy. Giddy with her successful robbery of health and reason in the U.S. (your money AND your life!), Señorita Cigarílla has turned her addictive attentions abroad. Throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas she is zealously spreading her message that smoking is glamourous. An experienced trendsetter, Señorita Cigarílla (minus one lung) continues to keep abreast of fashion.
"Señorita Cigarilla"
©2001 Elizabeth Kay
oil on oak
Smokers who quit often GAIN WEIGHT.
Cigarette smoking KILLS about 4 MILLION people per year throughout the world.
Around 450,000 smoking related DEATHS occur each year in the U.S.
Around the world the number of NEW SMOKERS EACH DAY is estimated at
82,000 to 99,000.
Each cigarette contains over 50 CARCINOGENS including radioactivity, cyanide,
benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide.
COST of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years: $30,000.00.